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Artist: Filippo Baldinucci (1625 - 1697)
Media: Modeling, Drawing

A member of a wealthy Florentine family, Fillippo Baldinucci received a Jesuit education and originally intended to pursue a religious vocation. However, he abandoned this path to become Leopoldo de Medici’s bookkeeper in 1664 and was a consultant for his collection and gallery. Upon his patron’s death, Baldinucci began working under Cosimo III de’ Medici. He was a very talented draughtsman and modeler, often imitating religious imagery or producing chalk portraits of his colleagues. Baldinucci was most famous as a writer and his most notable publication was the Notes on teachers of drawing from Cimabue until now. He also wrote the biographies of Italian and Northern European artists that appear in Giorgio Vasari’s Lives of the Artists. In addition, Baldinucci wrote a biography of Gianlorenzo Bernini and the first dictionary of artistic terms.

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