Art History: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood: (1848 - 1854)
The Pre-Raphaelite painters in England were devoted to developing a more pure and direct depiction of nature. They aimed to emulate the Italian Renaissance artists before Raphael. Formed in 1948, they strived to rid the art world of the conventions enforced at the Academies. They derived their name from the traditional teaching that Raphael was closest to artistic perfection and should be emulated rather than drawing from nature itself. The movement was influential on the Arts and Crafts Movement, Symbolism, and the Classicists.
Artists: (biography & artworks) Related
Paintings Reproductions
Brett, John - 1831 - 1902
Brown, Ford Madox - 1821 - 1893
Collinson, James - 1825 - 1881
De Morgan, Evelyn - 1855 - 1919
Deverell, Walter Howell - 1827 - 1854
Hughes, Arthur - 1832 - 1915
Hunt, William Holman - 1827 - 1910
Millais, Sir John Everett - 1829 - 1896
Morris, William - 1834 - 1896
Paton, Sir Joseph Noel - 1821 - 1901
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - 1828 - 1882
Woolner, Thomas - 1825 - 1892