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Art History Resources: (Artists, Art Movements, Biographies, Artwork)

Art History: Pictorialism: (1895 - 1910)

Pictorialism was a photographic term used to describe images that emphasized the artistic quality of the photograph rather than the scene it depicted. The movement’s primary aim was to bring photography into the fine art realm. Also concerned with aesthetics and impact, Pictorialists sought to produce images that were not solely about the objects in front of the camera. Techniques used by these photographers to create a more painterly effect included combination printing, focus, and manipulation of the negative.

Artists: (biography & artworks) Related Paintings Reproductions

Day, Frederick Holland - 1864 - 1933
Rey, Guido - 1861 - 1935
Stieglitz, Alfred - 1864 - 1946
Day, Frederick Holland - 1864 - 1933
Rey, Guido - 1861 - 1935
Stieglitz, Alfred - 1864 - 1946


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