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Art History Resources: (Artists, Art Movements, Biographies, Artwork)

Art History: Naive Art: ( - )

Naïve art refers to the work done by an artist who was not trained in an academy or other traditional manner of art education. It is characterized by an unusual approach to the formal qualities of painting and awkward drawing skills, resulting in an almost childish image. Other qualities of naïve art include pattern, unrefined color and simplicity. Notable naïve artists include Henri Rousseau, Camille Bombois, and Alfred Wallis. Naïve artists are sometimes referred to as primitive artists.

Artists: (biography & artworks) Related Paintings Reproductions

Hicks, Edward - 1780 - 1849
Lowry, Laurence S. - 1887 - 1976
Moses, Grandma - 1860 - 1961


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